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Ana Gell

Hi honey - I miss you and guess what Kirsty is right!! you are the best teacher and you make a decent cuppa too LOL!! we are chillin (literally) here in Manly West and its 20mins from just about everywhere!! there are no scrapbooking shops here in Wynnum/Manly - there was one but it closed 2 weeks ago!!

PS I am only 20mins from the Brisbane airport so can come to any/all retreats you plan - have my scrap bag all packed and ready to go!!
Arohanui Ana xoxoxox

Kirsty Thomson

Hi Michelle,
I was lucky enough to attend your classes at scrap happy, scrapaholics and have since moved twice.Other teachers just can't compare with your talent and I am hoping you may be teaching at retreats ? I am now at Boyne Island near Gladstone but I can travel.Can you keep me posted for future retreats?Thanks
keep smiling
Kirsty Thomson

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