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June 19, 2011


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Patricia Cugnod

so sweet, so class, so elegant, so BEAUTIFUL....

Vicky Alberto

amazing projects, love the colors of the first one!

Jeni O'Connor

OMG girl I'm gobsmacked by the sheer beauty. BREATHTAKING!AMAZING!
Truely wonderful Mich.

Renee Aslette

What stunning layouts Michelle. The Sublime Peace layout is absolutely gorgeous, I love what you did with the stamping and the colours are delicious!! WOW WOW WOW WOW on the I thought I saw a puddy tat layout. That bird turned out well considering!!!!! So glad that you have been doing some layouts for you!! Just gorgeous!

Chris M

Hello Lovely!! What amazing layouts, both of them!! You must spend hours creating these masterpieces!! Great to hear you're keeping busy and I have heard a little whisper that there's something exciting on the horizon for Mrs Grant!! Best of luck with that mate! Stay warm is the quote of the day here, Brissy is having it's coldest winter for quite some time! Hugs, Chris.

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  • All content, including text photographs and design work, is ©Michelle Grant. It is shared solely for personal inspiration and may not be copied for profit or gain in publications or contest submissions. Thank you!

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