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April 14, 2011


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Debbie Kingston

Another glorious page Shell. Love it darl.

shez kelemen

hi michelle
oh my goodness this is just gorgeous. i 'stalk' you on your blog and on dusty attic!! ha ha i am a very safe stalker though.
i love this page michelle. i am like you i never get tired of looking at sunsets, sunrises and these photos are lovely.
i love all the detail in your work, there is always new things that grab your attention.

Patricia Cugnod

This layout is goreous. I love all the details of this page... and the photos are so beautiful!


Thanks so much, Michelle, for maintaining this blog so full of your creativity! I really NEED that Dusty Attic Give-Away! Your work is so inspiring, I hope you will continue to share.

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  • All content, including text photographs and design work, is ©Michelle Grant. It is shared solely for personal inspiration and may not be copied for profit or gain in publications or contest submissions. Thank you!

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