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April 28, 2011


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Design work

The are is looking simply superb... Thanks for the creative work!!! http://ihorsebpo.com

Vicky Alberto

over the top amazing, wow - so fantastic!!!!

Debbie Kingston

Gorgeous Michelle. Both you and Leonii look stunning too.

Chris M

Hey there MG! A belated, but very happy b'day to both you and Leonii! What a special b'day!! Great to see your amazing layouts and welcome back to the cyber world. Glad you're computer is fixed!

Dianne H

Belated Birthday wishes to you both. I'm picking Leoni is pretty proud of her Mum too. Lovely layout and a great idea using the zips to frame the photo.

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  • All content, including text photographs and design work, is ©Michelle Grant. It is shared solely for personal inspiration and may not be copied for profit or gain in publications or contest submissions. Thank you!

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