Hi Again, This year my one and only New Years Resolution was to get organised!! And I am pleased to say so far so good!!! I have slowly been working through every thing from the house down to me with a fine tooth comb! I have achieved a lot already this year with this one goal in mind.
So far this year I have gone through all my kitchen cupboards, I have sorted out a lot of files I have done up for work on my computer, I am also sarting to win the battle of my constantly bulging inbox, you know the ones that you want to reply or follow up and never get back too, for the first time in 2 years my inbox is below 50, Sorry If you are getting a heap of emails from me all at once!!
I am half way through the office, I have even sorted through the box of old diaries and names & addresses scribbled on bits of paper now in my contacts in my email address book. I have added any dates I have found on old calendars and dairies to a folder with all the important dates for each year, here is a template you can print out and use if you like. You can add all the things like how old the kids were for each year, where you had xmas or holidays, illnesses etc etc, makes it so much easier to look back on for dates when journaling etc.. any way I hope this link works...
Download Dates to Remember in the Year I just have these in a small ringbinder and add to it when I need to!
I have even added the old names I came across that I don't have contact details for, Onto my outlook contacts. I don't want to forget them and hopefully I will be able to track them down again some day!! Facebook has been great in that department. I have also been seeing a Spiritual Healer and have been working on me from the inside out!! It really has been a pretty amazing journey for me so far this year and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year will bring.
I haven't really had a good sort out especially in the office since we moved here a couple of years ago, so it has been a huge job. I am still half way through the office, it makes it harder when you have to stop and start with work and everything else, but I figure it is not going anywhere! I hope to get the office and paperwork finished today, so wish me luck. I will show you a pic of my new set up when I get it all finished, It may take a little longer than I plan as my office is also my scraproom and needs just as much attention on that side!! I really do need to give this blog a face lift too, best I add that to my task list in Outlook while I think of it too!!
OK I had better get back to it!!!
I hope you all have a great Weekend, I will leave you with a few more of my recent LO's, I can't remember what I have and haven't put up lately, I still have heaps more to share!! But after I finish this office!! LOL
Take care!!
Hugs from Me!! xxx
I have since added journaling to this one since I took this pic, I am still working on my Grandparents heritage album.
These 2 were for the Scrap Happy Kit Club, this kit sold out pretty quick!
Another Heritage one, One of Wil's best mate at school is a Hansen and we have since worked out that they are related through this fmily!! It's a small world hey!!
Have a great Day!! xx
Hi Michell! just having a cruise around at some blogs, have not done so for a long time...love the Heritage Theme Layouts they look awesome, wish i could get as organised as you
Posted by: Marion | February 23, 2009 at 01:04 PM