Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!!!
Where have the last couple of months gone??? They definitely dissapeared real quick for me! I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone for us!!
The last couple of months have been pretty topsy turvy for us too!! Any plans we had for holidays and time off not to mention Christmas went out the window with Don having to have back surgery the week before Chrissy. With that and organising classes for Dec/Jan and organising a Christmas party and awards night for work, I didn't know if I was coming or going. So the last month has been pretty stressful to say the least! I have really been enjoying these few days off over Xmas even though we didn't get to be with family as planned it has been nice and quiet and relaxing with just the 4 of us!
Don had a month off work before he had surgery with a bulging disc in his spine that was pinching a nerve and was sending pain down his left arm. He also had spurs on his spine and brusing on his spinal cord. He ended up with no reflexes or strength in that arm and was pretty scary as we didn't know if that damage was going to be permnent or not, even with the surgery. They totally replaced a disc with a titaniam pad and is held together with a plate and 4 screws. It was on his upper spine inbetween his shoulder blades. It was a rush trip to Brisbane last Tuesday when he had the op at 5 pm. It was absolutely incredible what they have done, they also took some bone from his hip to use as a chock in his spine too. Then he was out of Hospital by lunch time the next day and was able to fly home the day after that! And the best news there is no permanent damage!
So with all this and Don not being able to travel we missed his Sisters 50th at Cooroy earlier in the month and missed going down to the beach to have Christmas with my Grandparents and family. But I am just so happy all is going to be well again! He still has another month off work yet!
Our Work Christmas Party was a blast too! I think everyone had a great night there!!
I am just glad to sit back for a few days and unwind a bit now!!! On other news on the scrapping front I missed out on getting anything for the SM Masters comp, It was dissapointing to miss out but with everything else that has been going on it keeps eveything in perspective and at the end of the day I love everything I created for the comp, so I can share them here now too!
I am hoping for a smoother year next year and just want to get more organised and simplify my life a little more too!!!
Have a Very Happy, Healthy & Safe New Year Everyone!!!
Michelle xxx