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July 27, 2006


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Love that LO Michelle!!! Keep going with that.

I can't wait to see you in a few weeks. You sound like you need a hug, and the trip down here. I'm happy to make you feel better in any way that I can.

Drop me an email. My computer died, along with my address book, so I don't have yours. And I'd love to talk to you........

K xx


i just wanna jump on a plane/in a car/on a boat/or on shank's pony and come up there and give you a great big hug there my gorgeous friend.
and one day i will.
but until then, all i can do is send you some cyber hugs and lots of positive thoughts.
take care of you


p.s. great news about wil; great news on both your nieces' progress and that LO rocks woman !!!!!


Congrats on becoming an Aunty again Michelle! Your layout is sensational! You rise to every challenge!! Well, you know I share that weighty issue with you!LOL We'll just keep plugging along hey?!!LOL

Susan J

I'll say it again, I FREAKIN LOVE this LO!! It ROCKS!! I know where you are coming from with the weight and CHOCOLATE. It is my major food group. I am so glad your niece is on the mend too. YAY for Wil the high jump star. Take care of yourself.

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